How to activate your TapandShare profile

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Step-by-Step Guides

Smart Business Card & Smart Button

  1. Go to the website and login using your access code and password.
  2. Enter your details, ensuring your email is correct, as you will need to verify it.
    Note: Once you have confirmed your email, you can use this email address for future access to your account.

    Click ‘Save’

  3. You will receive an email with a verification link (if you can not find the email, please check your spam folder.)
  4. From the left menu, select 'Profiles' and click 'New Profile' at the top right corner.
  5. Name your profile, and click the ‘Save’ button (you can complete the other fields now, or in the next stage.)
  6. Complete your profile, including the ‘Profile Image” (your photo or business logo.)
    You may add a ‘Cover image’ (this will be the banner on the top of your profile, behind your photo/logo). Please make sure to fill out all mandatory fields.

    Note: the ‘Location URL’ is for businesses with a physical address (this is used to obtain directions to the business address.) You can enable/disable languages, download QR code, and your personal enquiry form from this page (you can always change your selection and enable/disable these features.)
    Make sure to click the ‘Save’ button.
  7. Click 'Vcard Templates' on the top tabs menu and select a template that suits your preference, business needs, or branding.
    Note: In this step, you are going to select the profile template that meets your needs; please take the time to view the different templates, and feel free to swap templates until you find the one that suits your personality, business needs or branding - you can change this at any time.

    Once you have found your desired template, make sure to click on it (you will notice a blue frame around the selected template.)
    Save the selected template and proceed to set up your business hours, services, products, testimonials, and appointments if applicable. Otherwise, you can skip the following steps and continue directly to the last step.
  8. Click the 'Business Hours' tab to select your opening days/hours and save the changes.
  9. Click the 'Services' tab to add your business services, and save the changes after adding each service. Repeat the above steps to set up your 'Products' and 'Testimonials'.
  10. Click the ‘Appointment’ tab to allow your customers to book an appointment.
    Select your availability day and time - you must add time slots based on your availability by clicking the ‘+’ button on the right for each day of the week. You can change or update these at any time. Please note that for ‘Paid’ appointments, you must go to ‘Settings’ and add your PayPal or Stripe account before this step.

  11. Click the ‘Social links - Website’ tab to add your website and social links.
  1. Make sure to include the full URL address (i.e. or

    Make sure to click the ‘Save’ button.


Congratulations! Your profile is now completed, and you are ready to ‘Tap and Share’



Smart NFT Pet Tag

  1. Go to the website and login using your access code and password.
  2. Enter your details, ensuring your email is correct, as you will need to verify it.
    Once you have confirmed your email, you can use this email address for future access to your account.
    Note: Due to the Geo-Location tracking service, if you have multiple tags, you must register each tag with an individual/unique email address.
    Alternatively, you can contact our team to disable this service, which will allow you to log in using the access code only.

    Click ‘Save’

  3. You will receive an email with a verification link (if you can not find the email, please check your spam folder.
  4. From the left menu, select 'Profiles' and click 'New Profile' at the top right corner.
  5. your profile, and click the ‘Save’ button (you can complete the other fields now, or in the next stage.
  6. Complete your profile, including the ‘Profile image” (your pet photo.)
    You may add a ‘Vet Logo’. Please complete any information about your pet that you want to display on the profile.

    Note: Please disable the 'Last Known Location' if you do NOT want to track the tag through our passive tracking system.  
              Please disable the 'Location Tracking Notification' if you do NOT want to receive an email when the tag is tapped or scanned. 
              You can always change your selection and enable/disable these features.
              Make sure to click the ‘Save’ button.

Congratulations! Your pet's profile is now completed and ready to ‘Tap and Share’.



Smart Emergency Medical ID 

  1. Go to the website and login using your access code and password.
  2. Enter your details, ensuring your email is correct, as you will need to verify it.
    Note: Once you have confirmed your email, you can use this email address for future access to your account.

    Click ‘Save’

  3. You will receive an email with a verification link (if you can not find the email, please check your spam folder.)
  4. From the left menu, select 'Profiles' and click 'New Profile' at the top right corner.
  5. Name your profile, and click the ‘Save’ button (you can complete the other fields now or in the next stage.)
  6. Complete your profile, including the ‘Profile image” (your photo.)

    Note: Please disable the 'Last Known Location' if you do NOT want to track the tag location (passive tracking system). 
              Please disable the 'Location Tracking Notification' if you do NOT want to receive an email when the tag is tapped or scanned. 
              You can always change your selection and enable/disable these features.
              Make sure to click the ‘Save’ button.


Congratulations! Your medical profile is now completed, and ready to ‘Tap and Share’



Smart NFC Tag, Smart Luggage Tag & Smart Key Tags

  1. Go to the website and login using your access code and password.
  2. Enter your details, ensuring your email is correct, as you will need to verify it.
    Note: Once you have confirmed your email, you can use this email address for future access to your account.

    Click ‘Save’

  3. You will receive an email with a verification link (if you can not find the email, please check your spam folder.)
  4. From the left menu, select 'Profiles' and click 'New Profile' at the top right corner.
  5. Name your profile, and click the ‘Save’ button (you can complete the other fields now or in the next stage.)
  6. Complete your profile, including any relevant information.

    Note: Please disable the 'Last Known Location' if you do NOT want to track the tag location (passive tracking system). 
              Please disable the 'Location Tracking Notification' if you do NOT want to receive an email when the tag is tapped or scanned. 
              You can always change your selection and enable/disable these features.
              Make sure to click the ‘Save’ button.



Congratulations! Your profile is now completed, and ready to ‘Tap and Share’



Smart Product Info, Smart Link Card & Smart Social Connect Cards

  1. Go to the website and login using your access code and password.
  2. Enter your details, ensuring your email is correct, as you will need to verify it.
    Note: Once you have confirmed your email, you can use this email address for future access to your account.

    Click ‘Save’

  3. You will receive an email with a verification link (if you can not find the email, please check your spam folder.)
  4. From the left menu, select 'Profiles' and click 'New Profile' at the top right corner.
  5. Name your profile, and click the ‘Save’ button (you can complete the other fields now, or in the next stage.)
  6. Enter the full URL that you would like your profile to redirect to.

    Make sure to click the ‘Save’ button.

Congratulations! Your link profile is now completed, and ready to ‘Tap and Share’.